Firearm Maintenance

My Top Rated Tactical Gear List Recommendations

My Top Rated Tactical Gear List Recommendations

Gear List Recommendations

We’ve received a few emails asking for different recommendations for gear on our course lists. In an effort to save time emailing everyone back, and spend more time at the range, I’ve gone down the list for our basic pistol course (1st Phase) and gave guidance where possible.The tactical gear you choose comes down to personal preference,

FrogLube Review: Enhance Gun Cleaning for Rust-Free Shooting!

FrogLube Review: Enhance Gun Cleaning for Rust-Free Shooting!

Hey, what’s up, everybody! In this post, I’m going to be talking about my FrogLube review and sharing how this revolutionary product transformed my gun cleaning routine, ensuring smoother, rust-free shooting experiences. Let’s go ahead and get started. I can tell you one thing Navy SEALs do not enjoy doing…cleaning their guns. I’m on that…