Training Videos

Gun Safety for Kids
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Gun Safety for Kids

In the United States on the second Sunday in June we observe Children’s Day, a special day where we focus on improving their health and safety. This special day for kids predates both Mother’s and Father’s Day with celebrations in America dating from the 1860s and earlier. So in honor of this special day, I wanted to talk about something I take very seriously and that is firearm safety.

Speed Kills: Learn How to Shoot Faster by Slowing Down [VIDEO]
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Speed Kills: Learn How to Shoot Faster by Slowing Down [VIDEO]

Well, the easy answer is to pull the trigger faster! And unfortunately, that’s what most “instructors” (please check background) will teach. Sure they’ll make stuff up about manipulating the trigger a certain way or having a better grip…so basically you’re saying…do better…to shoot faster?

Learn To Shoot A Pistol With Both Eyes Open And Eye Dominance
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Learn To Shoot A Pistol With Both Eyes Open And Eye Dominance

Learning to shoot with both eyes open can be a bit challenging. The main reason is that it’s hard to describe exactly what you’re supposed to see when you do it. Because I talk about shooting with both eyes open a lot, I get lots questions on how to do it. So i created a video to not just tell you, but show you what I see when I shoot with both eyes open

Dry Fire Drills Using A Pencil: Training And Practice [VIDEO]
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Dry Fire Drills Using A Pencil: Training And Practice [VIDEO]

I know it’s a hard sell to tell you that not shooting your gun is going to make you better at shooting, but I know dry fire training to be tried and true, and I’ll tell you why. Your greatest asset, either in a static setting like the shooting range or a dynamic setting of…

The Top 3 Firearms Training Myths and How to Fix Them [VIDEO]
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The Top 3 Firearms Training Myths and How to Fix Them [VIDEO]

OK, so if you know me, you know I have a passion for two things. Teaching other people how to shoot and spending as much time as possible with my two boys. To accomplish this, I developed the New Rules of Marksmanship Training System, which focuses on learning to shoot at home. In this video,…

New Rules of Marksmanship — Constant Feedback [VIDEO]
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New Rules of Marksmanship — Constant Feedback [VIDEO]

There’s only one way to do that — Constant feedback. Check out this video to learn what it is and how you can have someone watching you, even if you’re alone. (Sad face) Click Play… Key Takeaways… Do not learn a new technique without a way to get feedback. Once you learn a technique, you…

The New Rules of Marksmanship — Deliberate Practice [VIDEO]
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The New Rules of Marksmanship — Deliberate Practice [VIDEO]

How you practice is much more important that what you practice when it comes to firearms training. Find out how you can use deliberate practice to train smarter and faster than ever before in this weeks video.

New Rules of Marksmanship  — Dry Weapons Training [VIDEO]
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New Rules of Marksmanship — Dry Weapons Training [VIDEO]

I often use the analogy of sawing through a piece of wood to describe how the dry weapons training, at the core of the New Rules of Marksmanship, works. The idea came to me as I was helping one of my sons build a box for cub scouts. He didn’t want any help from Dad…